Search results for "cancer du pancréas"

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Véronique Witko-Sarsat: Neutrophils Finally Get Some Recognition!

  • Published on: 06/10/2022

As key inflammation regulators, neutrophils are up there with all the other immune cells. An essential role that Véronique Witko-Sarsat has been helping to define for the past thirty years. Her research, which has not always been straightforward, has recently been awarded the International Association of Inflammation Societies’ Woman in Science prize. After receiving the […]

  • Category: News

Muscle Diseases: Jean-Baptiste Dupont Innovates with Alternative Study Models

  • Published on: 12/05/2022

In Nantes, Jean-Baptiste Dupont is developing in vitro models of human muscles using cells from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The researcher has two goals: improve the study of this hereditary muscle disease and test gene therapies in development – both thanks to organoids that will enable more reliable observations than those obtained using the […]

  • Category: News

Valérie Gabelica, 2022 Research Prize

  • Published on: 06/12/2022

Mass spectrometry is used to study the conformation of molecules and their interactions. From this analytical chemistry tool, which is over 100 years old, chemist Valérie Gabelica is making an innovative device for plunging into the heart of DNA and RNA. Work that has earned her the Research Prize. A new lease of life for mass […]

  • Category: News

Governance and organization

  • Published on: 30/06/2021
  • Modified on: 01/07/2024

The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) has research facilities throughout France. These report to Regional Offices and scientific divisions. National governance is by the Directorate General and the various bodies of Inserm, supported by the committees and cross-functional departments. Directorate General The Inserm Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by decree […]

  • Category: About Us

Technology Research Accelerators (ART)

  • Published on: 12/07/2021
  • Modified on: 22/05/2023

Since 2015, Inserm has been developing programs that aim to accelerate technology research and provide its research teams with the most innovative technologies. Scientific research is increasingly dependent on access to cutting-edge technology. To provide itself with the capacity for innovation and technological development, and to translate technology into its laboratories, Inserm has developed its […]

  • Category: About Us

With Denis Vivien, All Roads Lead to the Brain

  • Published on: 22/11/2021

From his beginnings in molecular biology to the neuroscience research conducted by his unit, Denis Vivien’s career has been remarkable. Curious and determined, he has never ceased to set up research projects and structures at the cutting edge of innovation and he has been entrusted with numerous academic responsibilities. Today, his fundamental discoveries on the […]

  • Category: News

Joel Haas: European Funding in an Attempt to Prevent NASH

  • Published on: 10/11/2022

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a serious inflammatory disease that affects and gradually destroys the liver. It is a more advanced form of another condition known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is characterized by a build-up of fats in the same organ. By deciphering the mechanisms associated with the transition from NAFLD to NASH, […]

  • Category: News

Marie-Astrid Boutet Tackles the Early Inflammatory Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis

  • Published on: 09/10/2023

With her team created as part of the Atip-Avenir program, Marie-Astrid Boutet is deciphering the inflammatory mechanisms that precede joint destruction in osteoarthritis. She is convinced that characterizing them will make it possible to develop targeted therapies to prevent this disease or limit its severity. A challenge that she dreams of tackling for the millions […]

  • Category: News

Manuel Diaz-Munoz: Between Immunology and Oncology

  • Published on: 26/06/2020

Manuel Diaz-Munoz is exploring the mechanisms that regulate the expression of genes involved in immune response and carcinogenesis. In particular, he is studying those involved in the production of antibodies by B cells. These mechanisms have been shown to be altered in many blood cancers and lymphomas: it is therefore essential to understand them in order […]

  • Category: News