Search results for "cancer du pancréas"

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Thomas Baumert: Researching Innovative Solutions for Fibrosis and Liver Cancer

  • Published on: 14/09/2021

Caused by viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or alcoholism, liver cancer is one of the deadliest in the world, responsible for nearly 1 million deaths each year. In order to combat this disease, it is essential to fully understand the cellular pathways involved. This is what Thomas Baumert – doctor, researcher and entrepreneur – has […]

  • Category: News

Public Health Research

  • Published on: 05/07/2021

The objectives of public health research are to understand the influence of factors that determine population health and propose interventions and health policies based on scientific knowledge and evidence. These actions serve to improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities. At Inserm, over 110 teams are dedicated to public health research. Public health researchers […]

  • Category: Our Research

Research Programs

  • Published on: 02/07/2021

Through its research programs, Inserm aims to facilitate and accelerate discoveries and their transformation into tangible progress for patients and society. In this sense, the Institute is developing a research environment that is conducive to interactions between basic, translational, and clinical research. Inserm is also participating in the steering and implementation of France’s national health research […]

  • Category: About Us

Jacky Goetz: Cancer and Metastasis, in Search of the Forces at Work

  • Published on: 10/05/2021

The aggressiveness of a tumor brings into play various biomechanical forces of its own cells and those of its close environment. These are phenomena that Jacky Goetz, head of the Tumor Biomechanics team in Strasbourg, observes and then deciphers. His research has earned him two awards and a certification. One reason why cancers are so […]

  • Category: News

Marc Bardou: For More Equality in Cervical Cancer Screening

  • Published on: 15/04/2021

Marc Bardou wants to significantly improve access to cervical cancer screening for the most vulnerable women. To do this, he has set up Cbig-Screen, an ambitious public health research project federating a number of European teams. This project has received support from the European Union, along with major funding from the Health, Demographic Change and […]

  • Category: News

Pascale Bomont: Committed to Rare Diseases

  • Published on: 29/03/2021

An expert in rare neurodegenerative diseases, Pascale Bomont has obtained European funding enabling her to boost her research. Research that aims to elucidate the role of the cytoskeleton in a healthy or diseased nervous system. This could lead to the development of treatments for a wide range of diseases related to disorders of this internal […]

  • Category: News

Manuel Diaz-Munoz: Between Immunology and Oncology

  • Published on: 26/06/2020

Manuel Diaz-Munoz is exploring the mechanisms that regulate the expression of genes involved in immune response and carcinogenesis. In particular, he is studying those involved in the production of antibodies by B cells. These mechanisms have been shown to be altered in many blood cancers and lymphomas: it is therefore essential to understand them in order […]

  • Category: News

Signal and Image Processing: Making Models to Serve Health

  • Published on: 09/03/2020

The Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (LTSI) celebrated its 50th anniversary last November. Intended for military applications when it launched in 1969, this Inserm/Université de Rennes 1 Joint Research Unit now devotes itself entirely to the application of digital sciences to health. « We provide doctors with interpretation and decision-support tools to improve the treatment of […]

  • Category: News

Jérôme Galon: A pioneering researcher in cancer immunology

  • Published on: 16/01/2020

For a long time, our immune defenses had remained in the background of the fight against cancer. However, in recent years, Inserm Research Director Jérôme Galon has endeavored to show that they actually play a major role. Efforts which have earned him the European Inventor Award 2019 for his test, Immunoscore®. Applied in the clinical […]

  • Category: News