Search results for "cancer du pancréas"

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Studying Cell Mechanics to Understand the Formation of Metastases

  • Published on: 16/09/2022

Following her initial training in materials science, Claire Valotteau quickly turned her focus to biology: she has just obtained Atip-Avenir funding in order to study the mechanics of circulating tumor cells. This involves the researcher using extremely powerful analysis tools and developing new ones. How do embryonic cells move and reorganize themselves to form organs? What […]

  • Category: News

Public Health Research

  • Published on: 05/07/2021

The objectives of public health research are to understand the influence of factors that determine population health and propose interventions and health policies based on scientific knowledge and evidence. These actions serve to improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities. At Inserm, over 110 teams are dedicated to public health research. Public health researchers […]

  • Category: Our Research

Sophie Ugolini: a visionary in immunology

  • Published on: 06/06/2024

With her research on how the nervous system influences the regulation of immunity, Sophie Ugolini is charting an unprecedented course in immunology. When she turned her attention to it in 2012 after several years of deciphering immune regulation mechanisms, immunology was a new discipline. This bold choice has earned Ugolini two major funding opportunities which, […]

  • Category: News


  • Published on: 10/06/2022
  • Modified on: 31/07/2023

In the October 2023 issue, discover our special feature Ageing: What if we could reverse it?

  • Category: News

Signal and Image Processing: Making Models to Serve Health

  • Published on: 09/03/2020

The Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (LTSI) celebrated its 50th anniversary last November. Intended for military applications when it launched in 1969, this Inserm/Université de Rennes 1 Joint Research Unit now devotes itself entirely to the application of digital sciences to health. « We provide doctors with interpretation and decision-support tools to improve the treatment of […]

  • Category: News

Rémy Nicolle: Understanding the Architecture of Pancreatic Cancers Will Aid Therapeutic Innovation

  • Published on: 09/02/2023

By exploring the diversity of the structure and composition of pancreatic cancers, Rémy Nicolle wants to identify avenues that will rapidly bring new treatments to patients. This translational research, which combines genomics, transcriptomics and artificial intelligence, was selected as part of the Atip-Avenir program in 2022. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma accounts for 85% of all pancreatic cancers. It is […]

  • Category: News

ATIP-Avenir Program

  • Published on: 02/07/2021
  • Modified on: 19/09/2023

Established as part of a partnership between Inserm and CNRS, each year the ATIP-Avenir program facilitates the creation of research teams in the fields of life sciences and health for approximately twenty young researchers. To date, this program has provided support to over 400 promising scientists. Created in 1990 and 2000 respectively, and subsequently merged in […]

  • Category: About Us


  • Published on: 12/07/2021
  • Modified on: 05/02/2024

Inserm brings together 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, all with one shared objective: improve health by advancing knowledge about living organisms and diseases, developing innovative treatment modalities and conducting research on public health. Improve human health Since it was founded in 1964, Inserm has played an active role in major medical breakthroughs, including […]

  • Category: About Us

Pascale Bomont: Committed to Rare Diseases

  • Published on: 29/03/2021

An expert in rare neurodegenerative diseases, Pascale Bomont has obtained European funding enabling her to boost her research. Research that aims to elucidate the role of the cytoskeleton in a healthy or diseased nervous system. This could lead to the development of treatments for a wide range of diseases related to disorders of this internal […]

  • Category: News

Muscle Diseases: Jean-Baptiste Dupont Innovates with Alternative Study Models

  • Published on: 12/05/2022

In Nantes, Jean-Baptiste Dupont is developing in vitro models of human muscles using cells from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The researcher has two goals: improve the study of this hereditary muscle disease and test gene therapies in development – both thanks to organoids that will enable more reliable observations than those obtained using the […]

  • Category: News