News · page 7

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Jean-Christophe Hébert, 2020 Innovation Prize

During the current health crisis, Inserm Legal Affairs Department director Jean-Christophe Hébert and his team have also been highly active in setting up the contracts necessary for the Institute’s COVID-19 research projects. It is in honor of his efficacy that he has been awarded the Innovation Prize. « An Inserm product, through and through » is how […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Jean-Christophe Hébert

Hélène Espérou, 2020 Innovation Prize

During the current health crisis, Inserm Clinical Research Unit manager Hélène Espérou and her team have supported the preparation of the Institute’s research projects as part of their mission to supervise clinical trials. It is in honor of her commitment that she has been awarded the Innovation Prize. Hélène Espérou joined Inserm in 2017 after […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Hélène Espérou

Frédérique Lesaulnier, 2020 Innovation Prize

Since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, never would so many studies have been launched so quickly at Inserm without – in part – the intervention of its data protection officer, Frédérique Lesaulnier. It is in recognition of these endeavors that Inserm has awarded her its Innovation Prize. First name, last name, address, medical history…: […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Frédérique Lesaulnier

Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti Sheds Light on Respiratory Syncytial Virus Factories

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is one of the deadliest respiratory viruses, especially in young children. However, deciphering the mechanisms that allow its entry into the host cell has not led to any effective treatments so far. What if the solution lay downstream of these early stages of the viral cycle? This is the avenue that […]

  • Published on: 26/11/2020
  • Category: News
Marie Anne Rameix-Welti.

SARS-CoV‑2 Under the Microscopes

When the COVID-19 epidemic began to gather momentum in France back in March 2020, the scientists from the Interferon and Antiviral Restriction team at the Infectious Disease Research Institute of Montpellier did not hesitate for long before tackling the study of its causative virus, SARS-CoV‑2. Six months later, how are they getting on? Join us for […]

  • Published on: 06/11/2020
  • Category: News

Jean-Claude Sirard: Towards a Drug of Bacterial Origin to Fight Pneumonia

Respiratory infections are the third leading cause of mortality worldwide, not helped by the emergence of antibiotic resistance in bacterial pneumonia. Jean-Claude Sirard is working on an innovative therapeutic avenue: the administration of a protein component of bacteria to reinforce natural immunity and the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in response to the infection. The researcher […]

  • Published on: 06/11/2020
  • Category: News

Anna Beyeler Explores the Circuits of Anxiety

Little is known about the biological origin of anxiety and particularly that of pathological anxiety, which affects almost 20% of the population. But thanks to the Atip-Avenir team that she founded two years ago and has been the leader of ever since, Anna Beyeler, Inserm researcher at Neurocentre Magendie in Bordeaux, has challenged herself to […]

  • Published on: 09/10/2020
  • Category: News
Anna Beyeler

Andreas Frick: Understanding Sensory Alterations in People with Autism

The vast majority of people with autism experience unusual phenomena relating to some or all of their senses. For example, they may find contact with some materials to be unbearable. Andreas Frick, Inserm Research Director at Neurocentre Magendie in Bordeaux, is trying to understand the neural dysfunction behind this atypical perception in order to propose […]

  • Published on: 25/08/2020
  • Category: News
Andreas Frick

Manuel Diaz-Munoz: Between Immunology and Oncology

Manuel Diaz-Munoz is exploring the mechanisms that regulate the expression of genes involved in immune response and carcinogenesis. In particular, he is studying those involved in the production of antibodies by B cells. These mechanisms have been shown to be altered in many blood cancers and lymphomas: it is therefore essential to understand them in order […]

  • Published on: 26/06/2020
  • Category: News
Manuel Diaz Munoz

Signal and Image Processing: Making Models to Serve Health

The Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (LTSI) celebrated its 50th anniversary last November. Intended for military applications when it launched in 1969, this Inserm/Université de Rennes 1 Joint Research Unit now devotes itself entirely to the application of digital sciences to health. « We provide doctors with interpretation and decision-support tools to improve the treatment of […]

  • Published on: 09/03/2020
  • Category: News