News · page 6

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Meet the Protein Collectors

Are you familiar with proteomics, the science that focuses on the proteome, the entire set of proteins in the human body? In Rennes, the Protim platform team is actively working to advance knowledge in this field. « Twenty years ago, when the major human genome sequencing program was announced, we thought that once it was completed, we […]

  • Published on: 03/05/2021
  • Category: News

Marc Bardou: For More Equality in Cervical Cancer Screening

Marc Bardou wants to significantly improve access to cervical cancer screening for the most vulnerable women. To do this, he has set up Cbig-Screen, an ambitious public health research project federating a number of European teams. This project has received support from the European Union, along with major funding from the Health, Demographic Change and […]

  • Published on: 15/04/2021
  • Category: News
Marc Bardou.

Pascale Bomont: Committed to Rare Diseases

An expert in rare neurodegenerative diseases, Pascale Bomont has obtained European funding enabling her to boost her research. Research that aims to elucidate the role of the cytoskeleton in a healthy or diseased nervous system. This could lead to the development of treatments for a wide range of diseases related to disorders of this internal […]

  • Published on: 29/03/2021
  • Category: News
Portrait Pascale Bomont.

For Pierre Galichon It Is All About Protecting the Kidneys

Pierre Galichon is a nephrologist at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. Thanks to the ATIP-Avenir program, he has created his own kidney disease research team within an Inserm unit at Tenon Hospital, also in Paris. His goal? Learn to control the natural repair mechanisms of the kidneys in order to improve their protection in the event […]

  • Published on: 08/03/2021
  • Category: News
Pierre Galichon

Sonia Garel: Brain Development Is No Straightforward Process

Brain development is a lengthy process that requires multiple interactions between the neurons and the immune cells, which starts from pregnancy and continues well after birth: a dialog that Sonia Garel has been successfully decoding for over 15 years. Good brain function at birth and throughout life depends on the quality of its development starting from […]

  • Published on: 28/01/2021
  • Category: News
Sonia Garel

Yazdan Yazdanpanah, 2020 OPECST-Inserm Prize

From the very start of the health crisis, the REACTing consortium team has been at the front line, coordinating studies on COVID-19. That is why it has been selected to receive the OPECST-Inserm Prize for social impact through its director, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, specialist of infectious diseases and director of the Inserm Immunology, Inflammation, Infectious Diseases and […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Yazdan Yazdanpanah

Florence Ader, 2020 Research Prize

In addition to being an Inserm* researcher, Florence Ader is a clinician treating patients in the field. It is in honor of this dual role that has she has been selected to lead the large-scale clinical trial Discovery … and to receive the Research Prize! Among the COVID-19 experts, Florence Ader is one of the […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Florence Ader

France Mentré, 2020 Research Prize

A key medical research discipline, biostatistics ensures the rigor of studies conducted in patients. Not surprising then that biostatistician France Mentré and her colleagues have been extensively involved in COVID-19 clinical research at Inserm. It is in honor of their work that Inserm has awarded them its Research Prize. At the crossroads of mathematics, computer […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
France Mentré

Dominique Costagliola, 2020 Grand Prize

Leading AIDS specialist and deputy director of the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (iPLESP)*, Dominique Costagliola has been at the front line of the war on COVID since January 2020. With one objective: use her expertise to further research. It is in honor of her work and that of her team that […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Dominique Costagliola

Anthony Fauci, 2020 International Prize

An internationally renowned expert in infectious diseases, Anthony Fauci plays a key role in informing the general public on COVID-19, and in terms of strategies and advice on how to best contain the pandemic. It is in recognition of this role that Inserm has awarded him its International Prize. Anthony Fauci was already a « celebrity » […]

  • Published on: 03/12/2020
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Anthony Fauci