News · page 5

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Ana Zarubica, 2021 Research Support Prize

Ana Zarubica plays a coordinating role at the Center for Immunophenomics. Her objective: ensure the optimal organization of a unit that offers scientists around the world mouse models for use in researching immune system function and dysfunction. An investment recognized through the Research Support Prize. Discover all the 2021 Inserm Prize winners Supporting research into […]

  • Published on: 02/12/2021
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Portrait Ana Zarubica.

Pierre-Louis Tharaux , 2021 Research Prize

Twenty-five years ago, Pierre-Louis Tharaux, back then a nephrologist, vowed to help bring kidney failure out of its therapeutic dead-end. Now a researcher, he is on the way to success with an innovative approach and a first treatment being trialed in patients: progress rewarded by the Research Prize. Discover all the 2021 Inserm Prize winners […]

  • Published on: 02/12/2021
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Portrait de Pierre-Louis Tharaux.

Francine Behar-Cohen, 2021 Innovation Prize

Francine Behar-Cohen is an ophthalmic surgeon, researcher… and creator of start-ups. What she wants is for her discoveries to leave her laboratory and provide relief to patients as quickly as possible. Her research and the value created from it have earned her the Innovation Prize. Discover all the 2021 Inserm Prize winners Start-ups to treat […]

  • Published on: 02/12/2021
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Portrait de Francine Behar-Cohen.

Laurent Fleury, 2021 Opecst-Science and Society Prize

Together with the Collective Expert Review structure that he leads, Laurent Fleury is at the interface between science and society taking stock of scientific knowledge on a health subject at a given moment in time. The objective is twofold: aid political decision-making and inform citizens. The expert reviews and the value created from them are […]

  • Published on: 02/12/2021
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Portrait de Laurent Fleury.

With Denis Vivien, All Roads Lead to the Brain

From his beginnings in molecular biology to the neuroscience research conducted by his unit, Denis Vivien’s career has been remarkable. Curious and determined, he has never ceased to set up research projects and structures at the cutting edge of innovation and he has been entrusted with numerous academic responsibilities. Today, his fundamental discoveries on the […]

  • Published on: 22/11/2021
  • Category: News
Denis Vivien.

Respiratory Infections: Mauro Gaya Reveals a New Immune Defense Player

How can we improve vaccine approaches to respiratory infections? Mauro Gaya is focusing on the role of the memory B cells. Thanks to the ATIP-Avenir program, he has revealed hitherto overlooked properties of some of these immunity effectors. Originally from Argentina, Mauro Gaya spent his academic career at several US and UK research centers before […]

  • Published on: 04/11/2021
  • Category: News

Barbara Garmy-Susini: Spotlight on the Lymphatic Vascular System

The lymphatic system, which ensures waste disposal and the immune surveillance of many tissues, is less well-known than its counterpart, the blood system. Barbara Garmy-Susini, from the Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases in Toulouse, has been working to remedy this injustice for the past 15 years. How does the lymphatic system work? How should it […]

  • Published on: 01/10/2021
  • Category: News
Barbara Garmy-Susini

Thomas Baumert: Researching Innovative Solutions for Fibrosis and Liver Cancer

Caused by viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or alcoholism, liver cancer is one of the deadliest in the world, responsible for nearly 1 million deaths each year. In order to combat this disease, it is essential to fully understand the cellular pathways involved. This is what Thomas Baumert – doctor, researcher and entrepreneur – has […]

  • Published on: 14/09/2021
  • Category: News
Thomas Baumert

Vision Disorders: Save Our Retinas!

In France, 3 out of every 4 people over 20 years of age suffer from vision disorders. While these can often benefit from optical corrections, some retinal diseases, which are rarer, remain unelucidated. Accredited in 2004, the Clinical Investigation Centre (CIC) and the Quinze-Vingts* Reference Center for Rare Diseases (CMR) have become a reference for the […]

  • Published on: 06/09/2021
  • Category: News
Plateforme de tests de mise en situation réelle pour les patients « Streetlab », à l’Institut de la vision ©Inserm/François Guénet

Fabienne Lescroart: Getting to the Heart of Cardiac Development

The heart is the first organ to form in the embryo. But how its cells specialize and how its tissue is organized is not fully understood. Passionate about genetics, Fabienne Lescroart came to quickly devote her research to this fundamental stage of development. Her goal? Understand congenital heart malformations and develop regenerative medicine. The heart, […]

  • Published on: 17/06/2021
  • Category: News
Fabienne Lescoart