News · page 4

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Aude Bernheim: Researcher and Activist

In addition to being a microbiology and genetics specialist, what sets Aude Bernheim apart is her strong commitment to effecting change. When she is not tracking the similarities between bacterial and human immunity, the young researcher is working to erase the differences between the treatment of men and women in science. Researcher, activist, author. At […]

  • Published on: 09/06/2022
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Île-de-France
Aude Bernheim

Muscle Diseases: Jean-Baptiste Dupont Innovates with Alternative Study Models

In Nantes, Jean-Baptiste Dupont is developing in vitro models of human muscles using cells from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The researcher has two goals: improve the study of this hereditary muscle disease and test gene therapies in development – both thanks to organoids that will enable more reliable observations than those obtained using the […]

  • Published on: 12/05/2022
  • Category: News

Camille Berthelot: « Understanding the Origin of Menstruation Could Help Treat Endometriosis »

Rare are the animal species that menstruate. Camille Berthelot, Inserm research associate at Institut Pasteur, is comparing the genomes of different species to identify the genes responsible for menstruation and – potentially – the factors that cause endometriosis. Menstruation is a characteristic of a few rare mammals: humans, some other primates, some bats, and one […]

  • Published on: 31/03/2022
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Île-de-France
Camille Berthelot.

Benjamin Chousterman Tackles Sepsis

Benjamin Chousterman is an anesthesiologist, lecturer and researcher. And what do these activities all have in common? The answer is sepsis – the final stage of infection that leads to failure of the vital organs. Chousterman treats patients with this severe condition and in parallel studies the immune mechanisms that cause it. A recipient of […]

  • Published on: 15/03/2022
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Île-de-France

José-Alain Sahel: His Relentless Combat to Preserve Vision

Why do some people lose their central vision? How can we preserve or restore it? These are two of the questions that have guided the career of José-Alain Sahel, and to which he has already provided many elements of response. A determination recently rewarded in Berlin with the Science Breakthrough of the Year in Life […]

  • Published on: 03/02/2022
  • Category: News

Alzheimer’s: Discovering an Experimental Village

A gentle wind blowing through the trees, the smell of fresh coffee wafting through the air, the sound of a swing creaking in the village square, a donkey braying in the distance… This simple and everyday setting is actually anything but! We are in the heart of the Village Landais, a pioneering scientific project that […]

  • Published on: 28/01/2022
  • Category: News
Photographie de la place du village landais, avec un préau équipé de tables et de chaises, dans un environnement verdoyant.

InterAging: A New Boost for Research into Aging

On the strength of its national initiatives, Inserm has recently launched an international collaboration program to reinforce knowledge in the field of aging... The objective being twofold: to understand how our cells age and to provide new avenues for staying healthy for longer. Is aging a partially programmed process or the result of chaotic events […]

  • Published on: 17/01/2022
  • Category: News

Development: Awakening to the World Through Touch

Even before birth, touch is the preferred sense for babies to discover their environment. From the fourth week of pregnancy, certain touch receptors are already emerging: it is the first sensory capacity to appear in the fetus, and the foundation on which the child will develop its relationship with the world through the senses. Touch […]

  • Published on: 16/12/2021
  • Category: News
Une chercheuse à son ordinateur, avec un enfant équipé d’un bonnet d’électrodes qui permet de suivre son activité cérébrale.

Marion Leboyer, 2021 Grand Prize

Through her research into psychiatric illnesses, Marion Leboyer has made a significant contribution to improving treatment for patients with the goal of personalized medicine for all. The Grand Prize rewards the innovative nature of her work, particularly in bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum disorders. Discover all the 2021 Inserm Prize winners A life dedicated […]

  • Published on: 02/12/2021
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Portrait de Marion Leboyer.

Ana Zarubica, 2021 Research Support Prize

Ana Zarubica plays a coordinating role at the Center for Immunophenomics. Her objective: ensure the optimal organization of a unit that offers scientists around the world mouse models for use in researching immune system function and dysfunction. An investment recognized through the Research Support Prize. Discover all the 2021 Inserm Prize winners Supporting research into […]

  • Published on: 02/12/2021
  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes
Portrait Ana Zarubica.