Search results for "cancer du pancréas"

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Jérôme Galon: A pioneering researcher in cancer immunology

  • Published on: 16/01/2020

For a long time, our immune defenses had remained in the background of the fight against cancer. However, in recent years, Inserm Research Director Jérôme Galon has endeavored to show that they actually play a major role. Efforts which have earned him the European Inventor Award 2019 for his test, Immunoscore®. Applied in the clinical […]

  • Category: News

Jacky Goetz: Cancer and Metastasis, in Search of the Forces at Work

  • Published on: 10/05/2021

The aggressiveness of a tumor brings into play various biomechanical forces of its own cells and those of its close environment. These are phenomena that Jacky Goetz, head of the Tumor Biomechanics team in Strasbourg, observes and then deciphers. His research has earned him two awards and a certification. One reason why cancers are so […]

  • Category: News

Charlotte Proudhon: Bringing Epigenetics and Cancer Screening Together

  • Published on: 13/04/2023

Charlotte Proudhon is a pure geneticist. For over fifteen years, she worked in laboratories specializing in the study of DNA until 2022 when she obtained funding from the European Research Council to set up her own Inserm team. Her objective? Use her knowledge to develop a universal cancer screening test requiring just a blood sample. […]

  • Category: News

Thomas Baumert: Researching Innovative Solutions for Fibrosis and Liver Cancer

  • Published on: 14/09/2021

Caused by viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, or alcoholism, liver cancer is one of the deadliest in the world, responsible for nearly 1 million deaths each year. In order to combat this disease, it is essential to fully understand the cellular pathways involved. This is what Thomas Baumert – doctor, researcher and entrepreneur – has […]

  • Category: News

Marc Bardou: For More Equality in Cervical Cancer Screening

  • Published on: 15/04/2021

Marc Bardou wants to significantly improve access to cervical cancer screening for the most vulnerable women. To do this, he has set up Cbig-Screen, an ambitious public health research project federating a number of European teams. This project has received support from the European Union, along with major funding from the Health, Demographic Change and […]

  • Category: News

Marc Poirot: a fascination for exploring new therapeutic avenues

  • Published on: 11/01/2024

Since his studies, Marc Poirot has been captivated by the union of biology and chemistry, two disciplines which had previously been compartmentalised. From this marriage, the Inserm research director has studied new cholesterol transformation pathways and their involvement in breast cancer. This research was recently awarded the American Oil Chemists’ Society Schroepfer Medal. Ask researchers […]

  • Category: News

Olivier Delattre, 2022 Grand Prize

  • Published on: 06/12/2022

Better diagnosis, innovative treatments, the research into childhood cancers by Olivier Delattre – a full-time researcher but a pediatrician at heart – has paid off. His insatiable curiosity and tenacity in unraveling the mysteries of these diseases have earned him the Grand Prize. Once a pediatrician, always a pediatrician « Back when I was choosing what to […]

  • Category: News

Barbara Garmy-Susini: Spotlight on the Lymphatic Vascular System

  • Published on: 01/10/2021

The lymphatic system, which ensures waste disposal and the immune surveillance of many tissues, is less well-known than its counterpart, the blood system. Barbara Garmy-Susini, from the Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases in Toulouse, has been working to remedy this injustice for the past 15 years. How does the lymphatic system work? How should it […]

  • Category: News

Anna Rita Cantelmo: when the blood vessel cells malfunction

  • Published on: 26/02/2024

Passionate about vascular biology, Anna Rita Cantelmo has always wanted to conduct high-level research. An ambition that led her to leave Italy for Belgium, and then France, on her quest to decipher the biology of the cells that line our blood vessels. By studying their function – and their dysfunction – she looks for the […]

  • Category: News
  • Tag: Nord-Ouest

Research Programs

  • Published on: 02/07/2021

Through its research programs, Inserm aims to facilitate and accelerate discoveries and their transformation into tangible progress for patients and society. In this sense, the Institute is developing a research environment that is conducive to interactions between basic, translational, and clinical research. Inserm is also participating in the steering and implementation of France’s national health research […]

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