Search results for "Frédéric Chalmel"

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Ana Zarubica, 2021 Research Support Prize

  • Published on: 02/12/2021

Ana Zarubica plays a coordinating role at the Center for Immunophenomics. Her objective: ensure the optimal organization of a unit that offers scientists around the world mouse models for use in researching immune system function and dysfunction. An investment recognized through the Research Support Prize. Discover all the 2021 Inserm Prize winners Supporting research into […]

  • Category: News
  • Tag: Inserm Prizes

Governance and organization

  • Published on: 30/06/2021
  • Modified on: 01/07/2024

The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) has research facilities throughout France. These report to Regional Offices and scientific divisions. National governance is by the Directorate General and the various bodies of Inserm, supported by the committees and cross-functional departments. Directorate General The Inserm Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by decree […]

  • Category: About Us

Valérie Gabelica, 2022 Research Prize

  • Published on: 06/12/2022

Mass spectrometry is used to study the conformation of molecules and their interactions. From this analytical chemistry tool, which is over 100 years old, chemist Valérie Gabelica is making an innovative device for plunging into the heart of DNA and RNA. Work that has earned her the Research Prize. A new lease of life for mass […]

  • Category: News