Search results for "cancer du pancréas"

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Governance and organization

  • Published on: 30/06/2021
  • Modified on: 01/07/2024

The National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) has research facilities throughout France. These report to Regional Offices and scientific divisions. National governance is by the Directorate General and the various bodies of Inserm, supported by the committees and cross-functional departments. Directorate General The Inserm Chairman and Chief Executive Officer is appointed by decree […]

  • Category: About Us

Sophie Ugolini: a visionary in immunology

  • Published on: 06/06/2024

With her research on how the nervous system influences the regulation of immunity, Sophie Ugolini is charting an unprecedented course in immunology. When she turned her attention to it in 2012 after several years of deciphering immune regulation mechanisms, immunology was a new discipline. This bold choice has earned Ugolini two major funding opportunities which, […]

  • Category: News

Anna Rita Cantelmo: when the blood vessel cells malfunction

  • Published on: 26/02/2024

Passionate about vascular biology, Anna Rita Cantelmo has always wanted to conduct high-level research. An ambition that led her to leave Italy for Belgium, and then France, on her quest to decipher the biology of the cells that line our blood vessels. By studying their function – and their dysfunction – she looks for the […]

  • Category: News
  • Tag: Nord-Ouest


  • Published on: 12/07/2021
  • Modified on: 05/02/2024

Inserm brings together 15,000 researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, all with one shared objective: improve health by advancing knowledge about living organisms and diseases, developing innovative treatment modalities and conducting research on public health. Improve human health Since it was founded in 1964, Inserm has played an active role in major medical breakthroughs, including […]

  • Category: About Us

Marc Poirot: a fascination for exploring new therapeutic avenues

  • Published on: 11/01/2024

Since his studies, Marc Poirot has been captivated by the union of biology and chemistry, two disciplines which had previously been compartmentalised. From this marriage, the Inserm research director has studied new cholesterol transformation pathways and their involvement in breast cancer. This research was recently awarded the American Oil Chemists’ Society Schroepfer Medal. Ask researchers […]

  • Category: News

Marie-Astrid Boutet Tackles the Early Inflammatory Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis

  • Published on: 09/10/2023

With her team created as part of the Atip-Avenir program, Marie-Astrid Boutet is deciphering the inflammatory mechanisms that precede joint destruction in osteoarthritis. She is convinced that characterizing them will make it possible to develop targeted therapies to prevent this disease or limit its severity. A challenge that she dreams of tackling for the millions […]

  • Category: News

ATIP-Avenir Program

  • Published on: 02/07/2021
  • Modified on: 19/09/2023

Established as part of a partnership between Inserm and CNRS, each year the ATIP-Avenir program facilitates the creation of research teams in the fields of life sciences and health for approximately twenty young researchers. To date, this program has provided support to over 400 promising scientists. Created in 1990 and 2000 respectively, and subsequently merged in […]

  • Category: About Us


  • Published on: 10/06/2022
  • Modified on: 31/07/2023

In the October 2023 issue, discover our special feature Ageing: What if we could reverse it?

  • Category: News

Technology Research Accelerators (ART)

  • Published on: 12/07/2021
  • Modified on: 22/05/2023

Since 2015, Inserm has been developing programs that aim to accelerate technology research and provide its research teams with the most innovative technologies. Scientific research is increasingly dependent on access to cutting-edge technology. To provide itself with the capacity for innovation and technological development, and to translate technology into its laboratories, Inserm has developed its […]

  • Category: About Us

Charlotte Proudhon: Bringing Epigenetics and Cancer Screening Together

  • Published on: 13/04/2023

Charlotte Proudhon is a pure geneticist. For over fifteen years, she worked in laboratories specializing in the study of DNA until 2022 when she obtained funding from the European Research Council to set up her own Inserm team. Her objective? Use her knowledge to develop a universal cancer screening test requiring just a blood sample. […]

  • Category: News